Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brought Ur name

Everyone needs to be loved and needs to love somebody else, that's why we're called human. If there's someone who says "I don't need love", he/she is a big lier and it's same as he/she actually wanna say "I really need love" but maybe it's too hard to say. So do I, not about a lier, but I need to love someone and to be loved with the same one. So, it's about my silly love. I call it silly because I do not know whether what I feel is called love or not.

Some days ago, I talked with my friend about someone who would be our life's partner. She told that her pray about a man he liked was answered and now they are a couple. "Wow!" I yelled. Deepest in my heart, if it happened with me... and I imagined someone who I called Buzz. Now my turn to share about the same topic. I just told that there's someone I'd just liked since a single-fast moment happened with us that night and I wanted to love him but I only wasn't brave to feel it. My friend said that I could bring his name to God, shared to Him, told what I wanted to share about him and did it for some months, then looked what His answer. Yes, I did.

On Wednesday morning, 25th May, I brought his name bravely. I would do it for two months later, maybe till 25th July. I just shared to God the moment when that feeling came, who he was, what I felt, etc and now I'm still waiting what He will answer. However, it's kinda a silly thing cause he's so far away, how come I pray for him but I never meet him and do something together that maybe will grow this feeling higher and higher between us. I don't know. I just desire to brought ur name in my pray. He never knows it, but God knows. We'll see :)

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monggo komentar membangunnya. saya dengan senang hati akan membaca dan membalasnya. :) makasih juga sudah melipir ke blog saya, jangan jera-jera untuk datang kembali, ya, hehehe. God bless you :).

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