Tuesday, September 30, 2014

This World is Lullaby

i have to still be awake
my eyes must keep opened
this world is lullaby
but if i sleep on it, i die.

some sleep on it, they're insane
they forget to wake up
this world is more than sleeping pills
it's a tender bed
once you lay on, forever you will sleep

this world is so nice
it is an apple with poison

we have to still be awake
our eyes must keep opened
this world is lullaby
but if we sleep on it, we die.

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monggo komentar membangunnya. saya dengan senang hati akan membaca dan membalasnya. :) makasih juga sudah melipir ke blog saya, jangan jera-jera untuk datang kembali, ya, hehehe. God bless you :).

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